Five years ago, I started pouring candles on my kitchen bench to cope during a tough time. What began as a personal project turned into a business when a client suggested I sell my candles in my salon. Soon, I had a small display of four fragrances, and they quickly gained popularity.
I moved into a candle shed, where my Mum and Nana joined me. My Nana, who has passed, loved helping with labeling and quality control. Now in 2024, our range includes over 20 fragrances, car diffusers, reed diffusers, bath salts, and refills!
My Mum and partner Roy are incredible. We spend most nights in the candle shed creating your favorite Allure fragrances. Mum handles crystals, packaging, and labeling, while Roy keeps everything organized. With our growing business, I've brought in extra helpers trained in the Allure way.
I’m grateful for my Mum, Roy, our staff, and YOU for supporting my dreams and helping us get to where we are today!